Current Events

Beautiful Greenway,Always BeTogether

Published:2020-08-05 views:1594

Date July 23rd, it has been almost 4 months since Wuhan was unblocked from the epidemic. This year is destined to be an extraordinary year, and our company is no exception, moreover it coincides with the 15th anniversary of the founding of the company. In order to celebrate this significant day, today the company organized all employees to hold a greenway walk on the East Lake Greenway to demonstrate the vitality.
Thesefifteen years are yearsof diligence, weworkhardand march ahead;
These fifteen years are years fullofdifficulties, weovercomeandgo through;
These fifteen years are years ofresearch and development,weforge aheadand strive for innovation;
It is believedthatthe company will get better in the next 15 years!
"We willalwaysbe together,HUSTLIFE SCITECH!"